Tuesday, April 30, 2024

IB Agribusiness

Indigenous Peoples, Land-based Disputes and Strategies of Socio-spatial Resistance at Agricultural...

ABSTRACT: Frontiers of national development and agricultural expansion constitute spaces of intense interaction, disputes and contestation. The Brazilian economy continues to largely rely on...

Xingu fecha fronteiras para evitar chegada do coronavírus

Part of the Sebastião Salgado na Amazônia series. Discusses the threat posed by COVID-19 to the Parque Indígena do Xingu and the impacts of...

Líderes lutam para preservar sua cultura

Part of the Sebastião Salgado na Amazônia series. Covers the history of the Xingu - indigenous culture and habits - as well as the...

Cercados por todos os lados

Part of the Sebastião Salgado na Amazônia series. Describes the multiple threats to the Marubos and the weakening of the infrastructure designed to protect...

Terras indígenas no Brasil sofrem com invasões sob diretriz de Bolsonaro

A general article from Reuters; focus is largely on RO and other regions of Brazil

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