Monday, May 13, 2024

Culture, Music, Film, Photography

Haitian Renaissance: Youth Paint a New Country

Despite the earthquake and extreme physical poverty Haiti's youth express themselves richly through art, promoting human rights, aided by organisation APROSIFA.

MEXICO: Juárez Residents Fight for Safe Public Spaces

In light of the continuing violence and lack of opportunity in Ciudad Juarez, young people use music and culture to bring people together, combat fear and criticise government policy.

Uncle Nobel and the Scriptwriter

Fellow Peruvian, Javier Farje, who years later studied at the same military college as Mario Vargas Llosa, is delighted that the Nobel Committee has finally recognised the genius of his compatriot.

Bolivia’s cultural two-step

From Bolivia Nick Caistor asks if a new law will make it easier for indigenous communities to live alongside each other.

Tomás Eloy Martínez and the Argentine dream

Ivan Briscoe pays tribute to the deceased novelist and his Argentina

Amazonas, the Opera

A groundbreaking operatic spectacle puts Brazil's Yanomami tribe in the spotlight – and highlights the destruction of the rainforest. Jan Rocha reports.  

Swerve with verve: Oscar Niemeyer

Peter Godfrey interviews the Brazilian architect who eradicated the straight line, who is sill working, aged 102.

LAB Bulletin 19 February 2010

Haiti: race against time to help survivors amid fears of political chaos ♦ Bolivia: Morales appoints new judges ahead of judicial elections ♦ Argentina: Ariel Ramirez has died ♦ Chile: new government will postpone decision on fuel p

Bulletin 15 February 2010

Colombia: guerrilla attack candidate ♦ Uruguay: new parliament to start work ♦ Ecuador and China increase military cooperation ♦ Argentinean film wins prestigious award ♦ European Union speeds up controversial agreement with Cen

Bulletin 2 February 2010

Venezuela: opposition press rallies against Chávez ♦ Haiti: primer minister criticises charity workers ♦ Brazil: film about Lula, a “flop” ♦ Argentina: former President “benefited” of privileged information &di

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