Monday, May 6, 2024

Drugs & Narcotráfico

Graft, greed, mayhem turn Tegucigalpa into murder capital of world

An unholy alliance of cops, crooks, prisoners and politicians has turned the nation into a shooting gallery.

The Drug War’s Invisible Victims

There are many kinds of war. The classic image of a uniformed soldier kissing mom good-bye to risk his life on the battlefield has changed dramatically. In today's wars, it's more likely that mom will be the one killed.

Guatemala: the decriminalisation of drugs

Guatemala's new president, retired General Otto Perez Molina, has joined the growing group of Latin American dignitaries to call for the legalisation of drugs as the only way to combat the powerful drug cartels.

‘Removing the Veil’: El Salvador Apologizes for State Violence on 20th...

El Salvador says sorry for the violence of the past, but not a word about the violence of the present: the 'war on drugs' and the security interference by the USA.

Commission of World Leaders Urges End to Failed Drug War

In June 2011, an international commission produced a report that stated that the war on drugs has failed. The report is still very relevant today.

How Mexico’s Guerrilla Army Stayed Clear of Organized Crime

Unlike the guerrillas in Colombia and Peru, the Zapatistas have not got involved in the drugs business. How have they managed it?

Costa Rica’s Peaceful Reputation At Risk From Cartels

Drugs have cast a dark shadow over one of the most peaceful countries in Latin America.

Brazil: the ‘Pacification’ of Rocinha

On 13th November, heavily-armed security forces took over the favela of Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro, evicting the drug-traffickers.

Honduras: Purging Schools of Crime

The government in Honduras is trying to clean up the police from crime and corruption.

Mexico: Widespread Rights Abuses in ‘War on Drugs’

Human Rights Watch has published a damning report on then abuses by the Mexican government in their 'war on drugs'

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