The Deaths of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira
The brutal murders of journalist Dom Phillips and indigenist Bruno Pereira took place in a region, the Javari Valley, beset by a profitable vortex of clandestine economies, resource plunder and land grabbing which the present government does almost nothing to discourage or suppress.
Brazil: Exxon Mobil sparks oil spill fears
U.S. oil giant ExxonMobil is seeking to drill 11 wells in a marine area near the estuary of the São Francisco River in eastern Brazil. 52 conservation areas and a barrier reef are affected. The company has started training local fishermen to deal with any spill. Local communities are not being properly consulted.
Creativity is vital in environmental research
The key question of the day was how creativity, imagination and play can help researchers both to carry out and communicate environmental research to the public. How, we asked, can collaborations between researchers and artists deepen our understanding of today’s ecological challenges?
Dive, Tierra Bomba, Dive
Dive Tierra Bomba Dive, made in 2020 by The Right to Roam Films, tells the story of 19-year-old Yassandra Barrios, who emerges as the environmental leader of her Colombian island, Tierra Bomba, home to the Varadero Reef.
The Amazon: hunger – the invisible side of Covid-19
This article originally appeared in Portuguese in the Portuguese newspaper O Público, on 2 April, here.
The version published by Amazon Latitude, here, was translated...
Brumadinho: a gallery of destruction
On 25 January 2019 a huge tailings dam at the Feijão iron ore mine, near Brumadinho, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, collapsed suddenly and catastrophically....
The impact of the Belo Monte ‘Emergency Plan’
Drawn up without any proper consultation, or local participation, the so-called Emergency Plan was used by the developers to keep Indian people well away...
Brazil: The toxic impact of bauxite mining in Oriximiná
In a book released by the Comissão Pró-Índio de São Paulo this week, the affected population reveals the socio-environmental consequences of 40 years of...
Oriximiná: Quilombolas vs the mines 4 — Company policy: Divide and...
This is the final post in a series of four written for Christian Aid and LAB by distinguished journalists João Peres and Moriti Neto
Oriximiná: Quilombolas vs the mines 3 — David vs Goliath
This is the third in a series of four blog-posts, written for Christian Aid and LAB by distinguished journalists João Peres and Moriti Neto