Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Oriximiná: Quilombolas vs the mines 2 — Conservation: double standards

This is the second of a series of four blog-posts, written for Christian Aid and LAB by distinguished journalists João Peres and Moriti Neto 2....

The Amazon: hunger – the invisible side of Covid-19

This article originally appeared in Portuguese in the Portuguese newspaper O Público, on 2 April, here. The version published by Amazon Latitude, here, was translated...

Tapajos under attack 9: Amazon Soy Moratorium: defeating deforestation or greenwash...

In the early 2000s, public outrage over Amazon clear cutting for soy production caused transnational grain companies including Cargill, Bunge and Brazil’s Amaggi,...

Tapajos under attack 12: Indigenous groups, the Amazon’s best land stewards,...

According to 2014 data for Legal Amazonia, 59 percent of that year’s illegal deforestation occurred on privately held lands, 27 percent in conservation...

Tapajós under attack 5: Greenwash in the Tapajós

The Tapajós River Basin lies at the heart of the Amazon, and at the heart of an exploding controversy: whether to build 40+ large...

Brazil: new dams threaten Aripuana basin

With the bancada ruralista mining / agribusiness lobby in control of the Temer government and Congress, a Brazilian company, Intertechne Consultores, sees it...

Brazil: Amazon’s Indians and rainforest under attack

Main image: Gamela indigenous people talk to police after the brutal attack by farmers in Maranhão state, Brazil. Photo: Ana Mendes/Indigenous Missionary Congress (CIMI) SÃO...

Tapajós under attack 3: The End of a People – Munduruku...

The Tapajós River Basin lies at the heart of the Amazon, and at the heart of an exploding controversy: whether to build 40+ large...

Tapajos under attack 14: Amazon’s fate hangs on outcome of war...

The battle for the Amazon is being fought over two opposing viewpoints: the first, mostly held by indigenous and traditional people and their...

Tapajos under attack 10: All crime and no punishment — Amazon...

Land grabbing and illegal ranching (even on public lands) has long been, and still is, big business in the Brazilian Amazon. Last year...

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