Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Local Government

Voz I | Hunger for Justice

This is the first issue of Voz, LAB’s new series of guest-written quarterly dispatches, available exclusively to patrons (paid subscribers). Natalia addresses poverty and inequality under Pinochet’s lasting neoliberal economic model, the student uprisings that led to the estallido social, her traumatic eye injury and her political beginnings.

The homeless street – São Paulo during Covid-19

Homelessness has increased dramatically during the Covid pandemic in São Paulo. A film and exhibition explore the way homeless people convert the street into a place of semi-permanent dwelling.

Buenos Aires – a riverside for the rich?

Buenos Aires' right-wing dominated city council has endorsed two major riverside developments which would reserve huge tracts of land for private luxury apartments and offices. Opposition is mounting.

Ecuador: the Napo goldrush and the rise of the narco-garimpeiros

When large mining companies such as TerraEarth withdrew from gold mining in Ecuador's Napo province, they paved the way for smaller scale illegal miners to move in in force, financed by cocaine money, with terrible consequences

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