Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Rebecca Wilson

Rebecca Wilson

Rebecca Wilson
British businessman and football club owner, Joe Lewis, has created resistance from the indigenous community by purchasing and developing their ancestral lands in Rio Negro, Argentina. Lewis blocks access to the land, where he has hosted Israeli soldiers and former right-wing President Mauricio Macri.
Haiti is not unfamiliar with violent uprisings. However, since the US-backed installation of Jovenel Moïse in 2004, unrest has been relentless, with violence and repression reaching a bloody crescendo in recent weeks.
Banana Plantation Martinique
Slavery was abolished in Martinique in 1848. But today the islanders are victims of a toxic pesticide called chlordecone, that’s poisoned the soil and water and been linked by scientists to unusually high rates of prostate cancer.
EmpoderArte, a Peruvian-based NGO which offers a decentralised film education to women, Karoline organises and runs workshops up and down Peru, mobilising hundreds of women to discover and embrace the emancipatory power of storytelling.
Ventana Sur 2020
Ventana Sur has indisputably become a key event in the film industry calendar and, since its creation in 2009, has played a significant role in bringing Latin American cinema to the rest of the world. This year’s edition is set to unveil a wealth of burgeoning talents and new and exciting audiovisual content.
Peru’s official contender for the Oscars, Song Without A Name (Canción sin nombre) follows a young indigenous woman as she searches for her child, stolen at birth in a fake health clinic in Lima.
Cajamarca on fire: People in Cajamarca burned a puppet with interim president Merino’s head on it, representing the corrupted political landscape in Peru. Photo: Irma Cabrera Abanto / @irma.cabrera.abanto
On Monday 9 November, Peru tumbled into political turmoil when the congress voted for the impeachment of President Martín Vizcarra, accusing him of corruption. Since then, Peruvians across the country have been protesting to voice their anger. Images from Peruvian photographers narrate the current political turmoil
Camila Freitas’ documentary Landless (Chão, 2019) follows the struggle of the MST – the Landless Workers’ Movement in Brazil ­– as they strive for reform and access to land.
A virtual dialogue was organised to discuss Alba Griffin's new chapter in Pedagogías de la disidencia en América Latina, titled ‘No Somos Falsos Somos Positivos: teorías vernáculas sobre la violencia política y cotidiana en el puente del grafitero’.
For LAB's online book launch event, Sue Branford and Tom Gatehouse, interview Bernardo Kucinski about his recent novel 'The Past Is An Imperfect Tense' and read extracts from the book, published by Practical Action Publishing.

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