Saturday, May 11, 2024

A1 LAB Projects

LAB Projects

Out now: The Heart of Our Earth

The Heart of Our Earth: Community resistance to mining in Latin America tells the story of the unprecedented expansion of the mining industry across Latin America since the 1990s, and the massive social and environmental upheaval this has involved.

Hogar Seguro Tragedy: no support from Guatemalan State

Three of the 15 survivors of the fire at the Virgen de la Asunción Orphanage have not been receiving the lifetime pension granted to them by the Guatemalan Congress. Why not?

‘Fake environmentalist’ campaign against Guapinol defenders

A Twitter campaign smearing the reputation of environmental activists in Honduras is a coordinated effort to protect mining interests.

Mexico: Domestic workers update

Women Resisting Violence Collective author Marilyn Thomson reports from Mexico on the struggle of domestic workers organisations, catching up with leaders she interviewed for the 2022 Women Resisting Violence book.

What a load of greenwash!

A mining engineer with more than 40 years in the industry challenges the ESG frameworks used by mining companies to greenwash their activities

Honduras legalizes emergency contraception

Following more than 13 years of prohibition and a year of demands by feminist activists, Honduras’ first female president, Xiomara Castro, legalized emergency contraception pills without exceptions

Vale? Is it worth it?

Documentary film about artistic responses to Brazil's worst environmental crimes: the Brumadinho disaster and Mariana tailings dam collapses, for which megamining company, Vale, is responsible.

Brazilian women in London’s delivery sector

Arts project and exhibition Who’s Behind Your Order? focuses on showing the overlapping types of exploitation faced by migrant women in the delivery sector.

Colombia: corporate claims vs human rights

Glencore, owner of the vast Cerrejón coal mine in Colombia, is using the grotesque Investor State Dispute Settlement process to prevent the Colombian government from protecting its own citizens and environment. Jen Moore was part of an international delegation to study this problem.

Reflecting on the Women Resisting Violence project

The Women Resisting Violence project was successful in bringing women together, internationalizing the fight against VAWG, raising awareness of Latin Americans’ campaigns against violence, and reaching a wide audience engaged with social issues.

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