Thursday, January 16, 2025
Home Countries Paraguay


Britain exports banned pesticide to Paraguay

Paraquat, manufactured by British company Syngenta, is banned in the UK and the EU. But it is widely used on Paraguay's booming soya farms, with often terrible effects on the crops and health of local people.

Paraguay: the Paĩ Tavyterã and the changing climate

Paĩ Tavyterã Indigenous communities are employing ancestral knowledge and advocacy against the impacts of climate change

Idalina Tatter – a powerful voice against transnational state terror

Paraguayan Idalina Tatter campaigned tirelessly, in search of her husband Federico Jorge Tatter, arrested in Argentina and rendered back to Paraguay by agents of Operación Condor. Her life and work is documented in the CAMeNA archive in Mexico

Migration & displacement – LAB Newsletter July 2019

Dear LAB Supporter and Friend, 31 July 2019 Migration and Displacement at crisis point In addition to our website, LAB’s Facebook page provides a daily stream of summaries...

Paraguay: a working example of communal land

The Mbyju’i Communal Land Association: protector of the common good. by Andrew Nickson Origin: The association goes back to the old days when, lacking land of...

Tekoha Sauce: community fights to recover land at Itaipú

Written for LAB by William Costa 'We were very happy when we lived on the banks of the Paraná River. We had our houses, we...

Your summer BBQ – devastation for Paraguay

BBQs across Europe are fuelling one of the world’s most pressing environmental crises, the rampant destruction of the Gran Chaco in South America. An investigation...

Fundación Paraguay Cultura

We work in culture and academic education in different fields, linking universities and social organizations of Paraguay with regional similar actors. We also support...

Planned Tapajós industrial waterway — a potential environmental disaster

The Brazilian government has unexpectedly cancelled the large São Luiz do Tapajós hydroelectric dam yet, as a timely new study makes clear, immense social and environmental challenges still loom for the Tapajós river valley,

Paraguay: Curuguaty paved the way for the multinationals

A leading rural workers' rights activist speaks out about the steady concentration of land and political power and the ethnocide of rural peoples.

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