Sunday, May 5, 2024
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Uncontacted Amazon Indians: remarkable footage

New photos obtained by Survival International show uncontacted Indians in extraordinary detail. The Indians are living in Brazil, near the Peruvian border.

Mexico: Zapatistas: The war with no breath?

Arsenault looks back at the acheivements of the Zapatista rebellion 17 years on.

Mercosur: threatened by China

On the eve of President Dilma Rousseffs trip to Argentina, a former Brazilian finance minister warns that Mercosur is being seriously weakened by Chinese competition.

Cracking the Donor Discourse on Haiti

Kanya D'Almeida examines the gap between the rhetoric surrounding the reconstruction of Haiti and the situation on the ground.

The Campesino-to-Campesino agroecology movement of ANAP in Cuba

The Campesino-to-Campesino agroecology movement of ANAP in Cuba:  Sustainable peasant agriculture, which first arose in Cuba in response to the economic crisis in the early 1990s, has been going from strength to strength.

Ecuador: Seven Foreign Oil Companies to Pull Out

Some foreing oil companies want to leave Ecuador because of a law tham forces them to provide services instead of only make geberate profits from Ecuador's vast crude reserves.

Brazil: Social movements reject Belo Monte

60 non-governmental organisations have attacked the partial go-head given to the Belo Monte hydroelectric power station by IBAMA, the federal government’s environmental agency.

Brazil’s MST demands land reform

Activists from Brazil's Landless Movement (MST) are calling on the new President, Dilma Rousseff, to radically reform the country's old agrarian structures, which, they say, perpetuate inequality, injustice and violence.

Carta abierta de Hugo Blanco a Mario Vargas Llosa

In this open letter in Spanish, the author argues that Mario Vargas Llosa does not deserve the Nobel Prize in Literature because of his alleged anti-indigenous philosophy.

Argentina: land-grabbing by China

Students, environmental organisations, unions, church groups in Argentina are protesting, as one of China's most powerful agribusiness firms is acquiring thousands of hectares of land

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