Monday, May 6, 2024

The Amazon

Oriximiná: Quilombolas vs the mines 3 — David vs Goliath

This is the third in a series of four blog-posts, written for Christian Aid and LAB by distinguished journalists João Peres and Moriti Neto 3....

Transformance: in search of Bem Viver, the ‘good life’, in the...

The Fórum Bem Viver (Good Life Forum) met earlier this month to bring together indigenous leaders, military police, a federal judge, television actors,...

Oriximiná: Quilombolas vs the mines 4 — Company policy: Divide and...

This is the final post in a series of four written for Christian Aid and LAB by distinguished journalists João Peres and Moriti Neto 4....

LAB Newsletter September 2017: Brazil, Voices of Latin America, Mining

23 September 2017 Dear LAB Supporter and Friend, Apologies for the long hiatus since our last newsletter. We'll try to make them more regular in future. Brazil We’ve...

The Amazon: Mundurukú standoff against dam builders

This article was first published on Mongabay on 17 October 2017. You can read the original here. The same article has been translated for...

Amazônia: Tensão em confronto entre povo Munduruku e Consórcios Hidrelétricos

Em 13 de Outubro, 80 guerreiros, guerreiras e pajés Munduruku tentaram realizar rituais no canteiro de obras da hidrelétrica de São Manoel no...

Brazil: Sojourn in Santarém

Jan Rocha takes a break from her usual razor-sharp analyses of Brazil's political landscape. Yet, even in Santarém, Pará, where the Tapajos river joins...

The Amazon be dammed: Ecuador’s China connection

In 2008, Ecuador, led by President Rafael Correa, approved a new constitution based upon Buen Vivir (the ”Good Life”),...

The Ghosts of Elections-LAB Newsletter 21 December 2017

20 December 2017 Dear LAB Supporter and Friend, The ghosts of elections past, present and future Across the world, polls this year have been confounded as...

Brazil announces end to Amazon mega-dam building policy

Brazil’s government this week announced a major shift away from its policy of building mega-dams in the Brazilian Amazon – a strategy born...

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