Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Chapter 8 - State violence, policing and paramilitaries

Colombia’s protestors find international support

In international solidarity with Colombians, events have been held in Sydney, Toronto, Washington, New York, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Brussels, London and Bristol. The world, it seems, is watching.

The Heirs: the legacy of violence in Colombia

Right-wing paramilitaries, the heirs of the infamous death squads, have started to re-emerge in Colombia. Programme presented by Teresa Bo. Video: Al Jazeera (English), 9...

New obstruction to historical justice in Guatemala

In September, the presiding judge in the Death Squad Diary case stated the defendants had a case to answer – good news for the search for justice in Guatemala. But in October, the lead prosecutor was transferred from her role investigating genocide and mass human rights violations. This was a critical blow to Guatemala's justice system.

Brazil: Nothing by Accident

Alistair Clark reviews Damian Platt's book about organized crime in Rio de Janeiro and asks whether it reflects Brazil more widely.

Colombia: chocolate of peace

A film by Gwen Burnyeat and Pablo Mejía Trujillo about the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó. Chocolate of Peace depicts the Peace Community...

Ten Years: adapting for peace-building in Colombia

For more than two decades, Christian Aid and its partners, including the Inter-Church Commission for Justice and Peace (CIJP), have been working to tackle...

Brazil’s democracy is far from safe

Lula acted decisively to halt the Bolsonarist insurgents who invaded the centre of government in Brasilia on 8 January. But coup-mongers are numerous and active, not least within the armed forces, while the right retains control of Congress.

El Salvador: a cure more harmful than the disease?

A state of emergency and ruthless action by the authorities has dramatically curtailed the activity of gangs which previously ruled vast swathes of El Salvador. But there are many innocent victims and the underlying poverty, inequality and injustice remain untouched.

Colombia peace process at risk

COMMUNIQUÉ: COLOMBIA’S PEACE PROCESS AT RISK International civil society organizations make clear their grave concerns for the serious humanitarian and civil rights crisis in Colombia,...

Rio: state deputy Dani Monteiro denounces governor Witzel as ‘a mad...

This article was published by Correio da Cidadania, 24 June. You can read the original here. Introduction translated for LAB by Mike Gatehouse. Main...

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