Voz VIII | Together We Heal: Women, Art and Resistance
The documentary Together We Heal: Women, Art and Resistance tells the story of a group of women who have come together to heal their embodied suffering as predominantly Afro-Indigenous women who have been displaced.
Reflecting on the Women Resisting Violence project
The Women Resisting Violence project was successful in bringing women together, internationalizing the fight against VAWG, raising awareness of Latin Americans’ campaigns against violence, and reaching a wide audience engaged with social issues.
Brazilian women in London’s delivery sector
Arts project and exhibition Who’s Behind Your Order? focuses on showing the overlapping types of exploitation faced by migrant women in the delivery sector.
Honduras legalizes emergency contraception
Following more than 13 years of prohibition and a year of demands by feminist activists, Honduras’ first female president, Xiomara Castro, legalized emergency contraception pills without exceptions
Mexico: Domestic workers update
Women Resisting Violence Collective author Marilyn Thomson reports from Mexico on the struggle of domestic workers organisations, catching up with leaders she interviewed for the 2022 Women Resisting Violence book.
Hogar Seguro Tragedy: no support from Guatemalan State
Three of the 15 survivors of the fire at the Virgen de la Asunción Orphanage have not been receiving the lifetime pension granted to them by the Guatemalan Congress. Why not?
Surviving the Darien Gap
Venezuelan migrants having crossed the Darien Gap nurse their wounds in Guatemala while planning the final leg of their journey north.
International Women’s Day 2023 in Mexico
Gender-based violence continues to be an issue of great urgency in Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of women marched in Mexico City on March 8. Yet, migrant women are excluded from the mainstream movement in Mexico.
Voz VI |‘They cannot erase our memory’: Commemoration, violence, and the...
This issue of Voz focuses on women’s creative acts of memorialization and commemoration, demonstrating how acts of mourning become sites of mobilization, active resistance, and empowerment. It highlights the power of the arts in denouncing and resisting state violence and impunity.
Peru: Women in film
Karoline Pelikan sketches out the current landscape for women in film in Peru, and interviews three women from the board of directors at NUNA, the country's first association of women directors.