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Amazon Diary

Dan Baron Cohen Amazon Diary

Dan Baron is a performance educator, living in the Amazonian afro-indigenous community of Cabelo Seco, Pará. After doctoral research into ‘theatre as education’ at Oxford University, Dan began his ‘transformance’ project in Manchester, moving to Derry in 1988, to the Rhondda in 1994. and, in 1998, to Brazil. Collaborations with at-risk landless, indigenous, trade union and school communities, generated collective performances, murals, sculptures, and in 2008, the Amazonian Rivers of Meeting project. In 2012, Dan co-founded its Community University of the Rivers with the AfroRaiz Collective. As Chair of the World Alliance for Arts Education (2006-10), and member of the World Social Forum international council, Dan advocated arts education for sustainable futures. Dan publications include ‘Theatre of Self-Determination’ (Derry, 2001), ‘Cultural Literacy’ (São Paulo, 2004), ‘Harvest in Times of Drought’ (Marabá, 2011), and numerous essays.

Marabá, Brazil – sowing the seeds of Bem Viver

At the end of their European tour of Belgium, Germany, Austria and Poland, performance troupe AfroRaiz return to their home city of Marabá, Pará,...

Porto de Moz, Amazonia: it’s not just the fires — it’s...

Folks, I live in Porto de Moz, Pará, on the Xingu river. We’re in the middle of Amazonia, and you have no idea what’s going on...

Brazil: Remembering the Eldorado massacre

Telling the story of a collective act of creativity -- to create a monument in memory of the 19 landless farmers killed on 17...

Towards a Living Amazon: Rios de Encontro European tour

Rios de Encontro presents the origins and eco-cultural vision of the AfroRaiz Collective of young afro-indigenous performance-educators from...

Renewing the Five Bows: indigenous resistance in Bahía, Brazil

Dan Baron Cohen and Manoela Souza first collaborated with the Pataxó People in Coroa Vermelha, Porto Seguro, South-East Bahia, in 2000, to build a...

Brazil on the threshold

‘Remember Germany, 1934,’ my moderate brother advises, ‘and be explicit’. For forty years, I have written from the threshold between resistance and liberation. I...

Brazil: young people teach social distancing

Rios de Encontro, the eco-cultural and social education Project, based in the community of Cabelo Seco, Marabá, since 2008, is in quarantine. Dozens of...

Record – a poem from the Amazon

Record The youth stares at his imprisoned canoe a bleached skeleton in the cracked earth. Intuitively, he plants his feet on the arrowhead of earth where the Rivers...

An Amazon view of Brussels

Letter from Elisa. Rios de Encontro. 4 June 2019 Dear Friends, When I was leaving Marabá, I realised I was entering on a new phase of...

Amazon Diary 3: Create a horizon of good living

This is the Dan Baron Cohen's third letter from the Amazon. Further letters will be published in the next few months. You can see...

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