Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Amazon

Brazil: the Munduruku vs illegal gold mining

Munduruku people on the Tapajós tributary of the Amazon are engaged in a struggle for survival against the long-term effects of mercury poisoning from gold mining, a new influx of illegal miners and the Covid infection they bring with them.

Brazil’s indigenous cultures: fragile or flexible?

Film: Ex-Pajé (Ex-shaman) (80 minutes) Directed by Luiz Bolognesi, 2018 With Perpera Suruí, Kabena Cinta Larga, Ubiratan Suruí and Agamenon Suruí… as themselves. Films about Indians deep...

Brumadinho: another mining dam disaster in Brazil

At least 65 people have been killed and 305 are missing after a tailings dam was breached at Córrego do Feijão, one of Vale’s...

Oriximiná: Quilombolas vs the mines 4 — Company policy: Divide and...

This is the final post in a series of four written for Christian Aid and LAB by distinguished journalists João Peres and Moriti Neto 4....

Brazil: on the eve of elections, Haddad up, Bolsonaro down

São Paulo, October 23. On the eve of the second round of the presidential elections, armed police and officials from electoral tribunals invaded at...

A search for identity in the Peruvian Amazon

The short film El Silencio del Rio, ‘The Silence of the River’, by Peruvian director Francesca Canepa, won the Grand Jury Award at the Oscar-qualifying Calgary International Film Festival and is currently longlisted in the Best Short Film category for the 2021 Academy Awards. Mathilde Aupetit considers the film’s blurring of dream and reality in order to present an Amazonian perspective, and its representation of the narrative power of nature.

Oriximiná: Quilombolas vs the mines 2 — Conservation: double standards

This is the second of a series of four blog-posts, written for Christian Aid and LAB by distinguished journalists João Peres and Moriti Neto 2....

Amazon Besieged: LAB Newsletter 30 November 2018

30 November 2018 Dear LAB Supporter and Friend, LAB News LAB's new book Amazon Besieged is published on 1 December. We are launching it at a...

The plunder of Bolivian gold

Chinese companies are behind rapid expansion of gold mining in the Mayaya region of Bolivia, and are invading the Madidi National Park. Bolivian journalist and LAB correspondent Sergio Mendoza travelled by canoe down the Beni and Quendeque rivers, witnessing how the illegal mining activity is hidden by Bolivian mining cooperatives and supported or permitted by the government.

Brazil announces end to Amazon mega-dam building policy

Brazil’s government this week announced a major shift away from its policy of building mega-dams in the Brazilian Amazon – a strategy born...

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