
In August last year, with the 50th anniversary of the coup d’état in Chile fast approaching, Tom Gatehouse interviewed his father Mike Gatehouse about his experiences of being arrested by the military and taken to the National Stadium, and continuing to campaign for human rights.
Together we heal
The documentary Together We Heal: Women, Art and Resistance tells the story of a group of women who have come together to heal their embodied suffering as predominantly Afro-Indigenous women who have been displaced.
If humanity is to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, it is essential that we decarbonize our economies. This will depend upon the widespread rollout of technologies which are enormously metal- and mineral-intensive. But mining is not without its social and environmental impacts, nor is it free of responsibility for the climate emergency.
‘They cannot erase our memory’: Commemoration, violence, and the arts Jelke Boesten Louise Morris producer
This issue of Voz focuses on women’s creative acts of memorialization and commemoration, demonstrating how acts of mourning become sites of mobilization, active resistance, and empowerment. It highlights the power of the arts in denouncing and resisting state violence and impunity.
The arrival of Covid-19 devastated Latin America. Across the region, there are calls to build a more just economy and society than the one that was left behind.
Xiomara Castro, candidata a la presidencia del país por el Partido Libre, durante la caravana de cierre de su candidatura para las elecciones primarias de su partido en marzo de 2021. De resultar ganadora en las elecciones generales del 28 de noviembre, Xiomara Castro se convertiría en la primera mujer en ser presidenta. Tegucigalpa, 7 de marzo de 2021. Foto: Martín Cálix.
When Honduras’ first female president Xiomara Castro rose to power under a feminist agenda, women all over the country were filled with hope. But a hundred days into her government, with not a single change introduced that benefits women, pressure is mounting for Castro to fulfil her promises.
Voz crossed off the map shafik meghji latin america bureau
Blending travel writing, history and reportage, Crossed Off The Map journeys from the Andes to the Amazon to explore Bolivia’s turbulent past and contemporary challenges.
Enfermera se arregla para empezar su jornada en un improvisado baño Jahfrann
When anti-government protests erupted in Colombia in April, the neighbourhood of Siloé in Cali quickly became an epicentre of resistance. Our guest writer, Jahfrann, was there with the medical mission "ESCONDIDA". He describes a nightmarish scene in which the instinct to preserve life is driven underground by state repression.
This is the first issue of Voz, LAB’s new series of guest-written quarterly dispatches, available exclusively to patrons (paid subscribers). Natalia addresses poverty and inequality under Pinochet’s lasting neoliberal economic model, the student uprisings that led to the estallido social, her traumatic eye injury and her political beginnings.