Monday, May 6, 2024
Home Countries Page 209


Paraguay: USAID’s dubious allies

After the 2012 Curuguaty massacre it's time to question the allegiances of US agencies.

Paraguay Lifts Restrictions on Transgenic Corn

The Franco government has approved the cultivation of genetically modified corn and cotton, but a new movement is seeking to oppose the measure.

Paraguay to hand over indigenous land

Justice at last for Paraguayan indigenous community.

US Eases Travel Restrictions to Cuba

Recent easing of travel restrictions for US citizens going to Cuba have provoke different responses from both sides of the fence. Whilst Cuba reads it as an ongoing defeat of US policy, the US argues it is a tactic to promote democracy.

Cuba’s Communist Party Congress: back to the future?

LAB's Nick Caistor, who visited Cuba recently, analyses the changes expected in the island after the Communist Party Congress.

Entire US-Mexico Border to Be Guarded by Predator Drones

Surveillance on the US -Mexico border to be increased by the introduction of new drones. Taylor Barnes discusses security issues.

Colombia after the Waterfall: Can Santos Turn the Tide?

Markus Schultze-Kraft analyzes the reforms of President Juan Manuel Santos and shows how his room for manoeuvre is limited by Uribe's legacy

Amazon Journey 2013

LAB Editors Sue Branford & Nayana Fernandez travel to the Amazon to visit garimpeiros, quilombos, Mundukuru Indians and others defending land and community rights.

Brazil: deepening crisis and frantic manoeuvres

The spreading corruption scandal, massive street demonstrations, renewed calls for the impeachment of the President and no end in sight.

UN and U.S. Estimates for Cocaine Production Contradict Each Other

UN numbers suggest an increase in land under coca cultivation in Colombia, while "mysterious" U.S. numbers suggest a decrease.

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