Friday, April 26, 2024

LAB for Women Resisting Violence

Articles posted on LAB but of relevance to the Women Resisting Violence project

Participatory photography in the Andes

In 2017, a group of women activists in Cajamarca began documenting their perceptions of community, wellbeing and alternatives to extractivism through photography.

Peru: the lasting trauma of wartime sexual violence

Mujer del Soldado sensitively portrays the lives of victims of sexual violence during Peru's civil war and their fight to regain dignity through sorority and a lawsuit against their assailants.

Colombia: widespread sexual abuse of protestors by Armed Forces

Young women have been particular targets of police violence during the national strike and subsequent protests in Colombia this month. What are the charges and how have they been met?

Colombia: representing women victims of the armed conflict

By comparing the discourse of a Colombian broadsheet and a pacifist feminist organisation, Isabelle Gribomont demonstrates how language can impact the ways victims are understood and treated in a (post-)conflict society.

Blood River: the life and murder of Berta Cáceres

Honduran environmental defender Berta Cáceres was brutally murdered in 2016 because of her opposition to the construction of the Agua Zarca dam, which threatened indigenous Lenca communities. This podcast series examines her life and death.

Domestic violence and the pandemic

Argentina-based security and defence think tank RESDAL looks at trends in Latin America, asking what the data can tell us about gender-based violence during the pandemic, and how this can inform public policy in the region.

Female friendship and resilience in the face of violence in Guerrero

Tatiana Huezo's Prayers for the Stolen (Noche de fuego, 2021) is a Mexican drama about female friendship and resilience in the face of violence in Guerrero, Mexico.

Afro-Ecuadorean women tell their story

The RECLAMA project in Esmeraldas province empowered Afro-Ecuadorean women to document their culture and heritage and to speak out with pride
Xiomara Castro, candidata a la presidencia del país por el Partido Libre, durante la caravana de cierre de su candidatura para las elecciones primarias de su partido en marzo de 2021. De resultar ganadora en las elecciones generales del 28 de noviembre, Xiomara Castro se convertiría en la primera mujer en ser presidenta. Tegucigalpa, 7 de marzo de 2021. Foto: Martín Cálix.

Voz IIII | Xiomara Castro: the first 100 days

When Honduras’ first female president Xiomara Castro rose to power under a feminist agenda, women all over the country were filled with hope. But a hundred days into her government, with not a single change introduced that benefits women, pressure is mounting for Castro to fulfil her promises.

A sunflower in her hair

A day after Marielle’s murder, Brazilian poets spontaneously posted poems about her murder and legacy on various social media accounts. These poems were then published in 2018 in a collection published by Quintal Edições titled: Um girassol nos teus cabelos – poemas para Marielle Franco.

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