Sunday, February 9, 2025


Ka’apor and Quilombola Communities in Brazil

Documentary film: We Fight For This Land: Ka’apor and Quilombola Communities in Brazil (62”, 2024)Directors: Cahal McLaughlin and Siobhán Wills Quilombo and Indigenous Ka’apor communities...

Indigenous community sues Colombian government

Twuliá Wayuu community sues Colombian government for climate change-induced coastal erosion causing devastating effects on their livelihood and culture in the northern La Guajira peninsula.

Colombia: displaced Indigenous community wins right to return to their lands

LAB's Grace Livingstone speaks to the two governors of this Emberá Chamí community to learn more about their historic land restitution case and analyses the current government's efforts to tackle displacement and redistribute land.

Attack on Pataxó Hãhãhãi Indigenous leaders must be investigated

In January, two leaders of the Indigenous Pataxó Hãhãhãi community of Bahia State in Brazil were brutally attacked by a militia calling for a ‘repossession’ of their land, as police officers allegedly watched.

Honduras: Deaths of environmental activists reopen wounds in Aguán Valley

In January, four social activists were murdered in Honduras within a period of 11 days. The deaths of two environmental defenders from Guapinol were followed by the murder of a peasant leader and his father-in-law.

Brazil’s Indigenous groups demand a voice in new soybean railway project

The Ferrogrão railway project has been met with resistance from Indigenous peoples who will be impacted by the socio-environmental risks associated with the project.

This Stolen Country of Mine: Neo-Colonialism in Ecuador

This Stolen Country of Mine is a gripping documentary following resistance leader Paúl Jarrín and investigative journalist Fernando Villavicencio, as they fight to stop...

Peru: new threat to Amazon reserves

Legislation being proposed in the Peruvian Congress would remove central government and environmental controls over indigenous lands and reserves. Indigenous organizations are vigorously opposing the change

Los Reyes Del Mundo: an epic tale of modern Colombia

Los reyes del mundo (The Kings of the World dir. Laura Mora, 2022), charismatically dances the line where hate for the world and love for life meet. It is full of action, poetry, wild cinematography, and transmits a pertinent social message.

Brazil: Indigenous peoples face emergency

An urgent declaration by the Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, highlighting what is at stake in the Brazilian presidential elections

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