Saturday, April 27, 2024
Home Topics Rural Communities

Rural Communities

Mexico: life and death fight with a mining company

Members of Ejido El Bajío, in the Gran Desierto de Altar, Sonora, have been fighting for almost 20 years against a gold mining company that is destroying the fauna and flora of their beautiful but delicate surroundings.

Peru: why the terms ‘Lo Andino’ and ‘terruco’ still matter

Power and wealth in Peru reside on the coast. Poverty reins in the Andes, a problem Lima elites refer to as 'Lo Andino'. These divisions fuelled Shining Path and were behind the recent removal of Pedro Castillo from the presidency.

Honduras: defending a mountain for 30 years

Pedro Pinto, 67, has spent over half his life defending the environment in the western region of Ocotepeque, Honduras. In November 2022, two of his vehicles were burned by an unknown party, he suspects that they were enemies of his work as an environmental defender.

Honduras: Deaths of environmental activists reopen wounds in Aguán Valley

In January, four social activists were murdered in Honduras within a period of 11 days. The deaths of two environmental defenders from Guapinol were followed by the murder of a peasant leader and his father-in-law.

‘El Eco’: a poetic portrait of growing up in rural Mexico

Tatiana Huezo’s award-winning feature-length documentary, El eco sensitively and poetically presents a year in the life of a rural Mexican community.

Five films by Latin American women to see in 2023

Five top films directed by Latin American women, in celebration of International Women's Day. Including The Eternal Memory by Maite Alberdi.

Brazil’s Indigenous groups demand a voice in new soybean railway project

The Ferrogrão railway project has been met with resistance from Indigenous peoples who will be impacted by the socio-environmental risks associated with the project.

Afro-Ecuadorean women tell their story

The RECLAMA project in Esmeraldas province empowered Afro-Ecuadorean women to document their culture and heritage and to speak out with pride

El Salvador: accompanying Nueva Esperanza

Tim Hollins and Mogs Russell founded a group based in Birmingham, UK, which has accompanied Nueva Esperanza, a community of returned refugees in the Bajo Lempa area of Usulután, El Salvador. Here they describe how this collaboration began, and its successful focus on supporting the community's school and teachers

Peru: Landmark climate change lawsuit moves forward

Indigenous Peruvian farmer Saúl Luciano Lliuya is suing German energy company RWE AG for the costs of preventing the glacial Lake Palcacocha from flooding his hometown of Huaraz.

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