Friday, April 26, 2024

Chapter 2 - Fighting machismo: women on the front line

To end Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

In November-December 2018 Christian Aid promoted a Month of Awareness of Gender Based Violence, working with its partners in the region, around the International...

The indigenous midwives of the Amazon

In the villages of Tabatinga, Amazonas, Ticuna midwives work according to ancestral traditions, honing their skills generation after generation. However, they remain unrecognised by the state. Translated...

‘Sex work’ in Colombia: the other side of the coin

The challenges of creating a collaborative mural in Bogota to represent the perspective of women forced into prostitution by the armed conflict.

Brazil’s Women of Virtue

In Damares Alves, Minister for Women, Family and Human Rights, Brazil’s evangelical churches have a representative at the very heart of government. To understand what these churches expect of their female worshippers, three Agência Pública reporters attended services and events during 2019.

Honduras: Femicide Part 2. Battling machismo culture. Part 2.

To view this video, click here. Part 2 of the ABC Nightline documentary on women in Honduras. In this episode we see an adolescent maternity...

The shocking impact of abortion prosecutions in Ecuador

Human Rights Watch has found that Ecuador’s criminalisation of abortion violates human rights and discriminates against Black and Indigenous people.

Argentina, we dance

Argentina’s strict lockdown measures have seen an outpouring of solidarity for queer tango in Buenos Aires. Edgardo Fernández Sesma, LGBTQI+ activist and queer tango teacher holds tango classes using none of the heteronormative gender dynamics traditionally assumed by ‘male’ and ‘female’ dancers.

Peru: Women in film

Karoline Pelikan sketches out the current landscape for women in film in Peru, and interviews three women from the board of directors at NUNA, the country's first association of women directors.

Police brutally killed Victoria Salazar: how are feminists representing her death...

On 27 March 2021, the Mexican police brutally killed Victoria Salazar, a refugee who had fled violence in El Salvador. Feminist activists in Tulum are using the visual arts to honour and remember her.

Río Turbio: women marginalised by the mine

Shady River (Río Turbio), named after the mining town in northwest Argentina in which it is set, explores the gendered space of the mine, giving voice to a collective of marginalised women and shedding light on the tragedies that haunt the town of Río Turbio. 

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