Friday, May 3, 2024

Jan Rocha's Blog

Jan Rocha is a former correspondent for the BBC and the Guardian and lives in São Paulo, Brazil. She is the author of a number of LAB books, and contributes this regular column for LAB, known for its incisive analysis of current Brazilian politics.

Bolsonaro: beginning or end?

Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning for Bolsonaro? São Paulo, 27 May. Crowds dressed in green and...

Checkmate for Cunha?

Eduardo Cunha, who just a few days ago seemed untouchable, despite being strongly linked wth corruption, has been removed from office by Brazil's Supreme Court. Many Brazilian celebrated the decision.

Brazil: letter for democracy

Recalling the famous 1977 Letter for Democracy, the 2022 Carta pela Democracia has gathered more than a million signatures from lawyers, academics, trade unionists, black leaders, business leaders and trades unionists -- all warning against any attempt by Bolsonaro to stage a coup if he should lose the presidential election

Brazil: as the dust settles, the picture is grim

On Sunday night we watched in horror as Bolsonaro’s percentage of the vote crept up to 47%, seemed clear that he would win...

Brazil: the new ‘government’ already in crisis

Anti-Temer protests are spreading like wildfire as the new government is forced to make U turn after U turn

Brazil: forward to the future or back to the past?

With Bolsonaro AWOL and his supporters claiming electoral fraud, fomenting violence and trying to provoke a military coup, Lula and the PT face massive difficulties and levels of polarisation remain extremely high

Brazil’s sea of mud

With the bursting of a dam full of iron ore tailings and other toxic metals in Minas Gerais state, Brazil is facing one its most serious environmental disasters ever.

Heading for impeachment

Brazil's Chamber of Deputies will probably vote on whether President Dilma Rousseff is to be impeached on 14 or 15 April. Lula is frantically trying to cobble together a new alliance but time is running out.

Brazil: environmental licences close to extinction

The pro-government majority in the lower house of the congress has rushed through a bill (PL3792) which will virtually eliminate the need for Brazil’s environmental licences for a wide range of economic activities, opening the way for widespread exploitation. The activities which will be freed from licensing include agriculture, cattle raising, logging, dam and road building, sewage plants and water management.

Brazil: diversity does well, but the moderates are the winners

Bolsonaro and his brand of extreme right wing politics have emerged as the big losers in Brazil’s recent local elections, but established left wing parties have not done so well either. Jan Rocha reports.

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