Friday, May 3, 2024

Drugs & Narcotráfico

The Past is an Imperfect Tense

A well-to-do white couple living in São Paulo, Brazil, adopt a black baby. The Past is an Imperfect Tense tells the story of this father-son relationship, which begins with great love and affection but ends up in ruin and rejection.

Coca and Covid in Argentina

Closure of the border with Bolivia in response to covid-19 has exposed a legal vacuum in Argentina surrounding the consumption, importation and cultivation of...

Colombia faces a second deadly threat

Crop eradication in Colombia is negating the crop substitution programme, causing violence and undermining the peace process, warns Christian Aid.

‘The Past is an Imperfect Tense’ by Bernardo Kucinkski

Serena Chang reviews the new LAB publication, 'The Past is an Imperfect Tense’ by Bernardo Kucinkski, translated by Tom Gatehouse.

Colombia: does peace still have a chance?

This article was written by Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín, Professor at the Nacional University in Bogotá Colombia, and a partner on the Drugs & (dis)order...

LAB interviews Bernardo Kucinski, author of ‘The Past Is An Imperfect...

For LAB's online book launch event, Sue Branford and Tom Gatehouse, interview Bernardo Kucinski about his recent novel 'The Past Is An Imperfect Tense' and read extracts from the book, published by Practical Action Publishing.

Narratives of Vulnerability in Mexico’s War on Drugs

Narratives of Vulnerability in Mexico, by Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández, translated by Isis Sadek. Published by Palgrave Macmillan (2020) ISBN 978-3-030-51144-9. People in the United...

What happened to Mexico’s cholombianos?

Rafael Zafra asks what happened to the cholombianos, the urban tribe portrayed in Fernando Frías de la Parra's Oscar-nominated film 'I'm No Longer Here'.

Colombia: ‘We need to reach rock bottom before things change’

While public demonstrations effect social change around Latin America, violence in Colombia skyrockets. Must the country reach rock bottom before things can change?

Resisting state violence in Cauca, Colombia

Filmed over three years between 2017 and 2019, Bajo Fuego is an engaging, enraging portrait of a community’s struggle against state abandonment, economic collapse, and a rising tide of violence

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