Saturday, April 27, 2024

Police & Prisons

Rio: Temer plays with fire

Since 16 February an army general has been in charge of policing and security in the state of Rio de Janeiro.  This is the...

Violence in Rio escalates with murder of city councillor

Little did she know that she would be the next victim when Marielle Franco, a left-wing city councillor, penned her last twitter post, denouncing...

The four bullets that killed Marielle

22 March 2018. Marielle Franco was executed with four bullets. One each for racism, misogyny, homophobia and impunity. By killing Marielle, the assassins eliminated not...

Unexpected Uprising: The Crisis of Democracy in Nicaragua

May 14, 2018.How did recent protests over social security cuts in Nicaragua turn into a nationwide grassroots mobilization against President Daniel Ortega? This article was...

Amazon frontier: The Third Bank of the River

BOOK REVIEW Chris Feliciano Arnold, The Third Bank of the River. New York: Picador 2018 This book has been classified as ‘travel-writing’, but it is much...

Jovem Negro Vivo

30,000 young people are assassinated every year in Brazil. Of these 77 per cent are black. We want to see these young people...

Queremos ver os jovens vivos! (Infográficos)

Dramatic, animated infographics showing the number of young people being assassinated in Brazil, and making comparisons with countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Part...

Violence in Latin America – explained in 6 charts

Latin America is often on the news for its gang violence and brute use of police force. In this video we analyse the...

Las otras voces – la caravana de madres de migrantes desaparecidos

The program 'Las Otras Voces' presents the Caravan of Mothers of Disappeared Migrants, those who come from Central and South America and pass through...

Rio: state deputy Dani Monteiro denounces governor Witzel as ‘a mad...

This article was published by Correio da Cidadania, 24 June. You can read the original here. Introduction translated for LAB by Mike Gatehouse. Main...

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