Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Home Topics Youth


Being young in Cuba

Navigating the world as a young person anywhere is not simple. In Cuba, it is particularly arduous. I spoke to several young twenty-something Cubans...

KANUA: the first floating film festival to navigate the Ecuadorian Amazon

Kanua, the Amazonian Floating Film Festival, brought cinema to remote communities in the Ecuadorian Amazon on a solar-powered canoe.

The Amazon: rivers of life, circles of learning 3

In the last of three articles, Dan Baron continues his reliving of the Backyard Drums as it evolves into the AfroRaiz Collective, coordinators of the Rios de Encontro community arts education project based in Cabelo Seco, the 'poor' founding village of Marabá, Pará, in the Brazilian Brazil. Tensions flare among the young people, as they ‘learn to listen: to learn, rather than to gossip and slash the wings of those who want to fly.’

The Amazon: rivers of life, circles of learning 1

First of a three-part series in which Dan Baron traces the evolution of the poor children from Cabelo Seco, Marabá, Pará, into a collective of recognized Amazonian artists and leaders of their community.

The Amazon: rivers of life, circles of learning 2

In the second of three articles, Dan Baron continues his review of the eco-cultural project he has been coordinating in the Brazilian Amazon with young people from Marabá, Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon since 2009. He revisits the history of the Backyard Drums group as it becomes the collective pulse of the the over-arching Rios de Encontro project.

Los Reyes Del Mundo: an epic tale of modern Colombia

Los reyes del mundo (The Kings of the World dir. Laura Mora, 2022), charismatically dances the line where hate for the world and love for life meet. It is full of action, poetry, wild cinematography, and transmits a pertinent social message.

Venezuela: youth orchestra resist adversity through music

Filmed over nine years, this documentary follows the lives of three teenagers from the barrio as they struggle to become professional musicians in a country on the verge of collapse.

The Amazon: Learning for a different future

A webinar about ways of teaching nad learning about the future of the Amazon, held in the Cabelo Seco community, Marabá, Pará, Brazil

Chile: on Boric, the constitution and the future

Natasha Tinsley interviews a cross-section of young Chileans about the recent elections and the victory of new-left candidate Gabriel Boric. They express their hopes, fears and expectations for the future.

Chile: long path towards a democratic constitution

Chile's constituent process, which, led by the consistent work of social movements, seeks to dismantle the first laboratory of neoliberal capitalism, offers lessons to the left in the UK and worldwide.

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