Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Home Voices Page 23


Brazil: 520 years of pandemonium

Brazil’s indigenous peoples face the most serious threats since the military dictatorship: a government determined to eliminate their rights, abolish their culture and ‘integrate’ them into an ultra-neoliberal economy; and a pandemic to which they are particularly vulnerable and which threatens their very existence. This first of three articles examines the history of 'pandemonium'

Transforming urban spaces: Guatemala City’s barrancos

Architect, urbanist and previous executive Director of Fundación Crecer in Guatemala City, Ninotchka Matute stresses the need to shift the urban imaginary in her native Guatemala City, by reframing derelict spaces as those of potential

Latin America is Moving

A new online seminar series from the Latin America is Moving Collective will explore Latin American social movements before and after the pandemic.

Chile: where water is a traded commodity

A small community takes on mining giant Anglo American which drains aquifers of water while households are forced to queue at water tankers ... just part of Chile's dictatorship legacy where water, like everything else, is a trade commodity

Covid 19 wreaks havoc among Brazil’s indigenous leaders

Covid 19 will affect Brazil’s indigenous groups for many years, not only because of the number of lives it has taken but also because among those dead are many important indigenous leaders. LAB briefly profiles one important leader who recently succumbed to the disease.

Brazil: the flowers of sustainability

Extraordinary history of groups of former slaves, indigenous and others in the Cerrado who have forged a sustainable lifestyle from gathering sought-after sempre-vivas flowers and selling them, with enormous care to preserve the environment. Now rewarded by the UN's FAO, they face encroachments from mining and a national park

Water for life, not for death

Five years since the collapse of the Fundão tailings dam in Minas Gerais, Brazil, communities are still waiting for justice, compensation and the means of rebuilding their shattered lives

Santiago Rising: interview with director Nick MacWilliam

Carole Concha Bell interviews Nick MacWilliam about his new Alborada Films documentary 'Santiago Rising', digging deeper into the estallido social in Chile and how to effectively capture the sentiments and events of this social movement.

‘Santiago Rising’

“I wanted to capture what was happening in Chile and to pay homage to the strength and commitment of the Chilean people. They are taking on neo-liberalism and a militarised state with stones and trumpets. This is a lesson for the rest of the world, we can learn so much from them."

Lupita: justice for Acteal

Scarred by a brutal massacre which took place in December of 1997 and left 45 dead, the residents of Acteal, in the highlands of Chiapas, continue to remind the world never to forget. One woman is at the forefront.

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