The streets witnessed demonstrations against violence against women in Honduras. In La Esperanza, Intibucá, the feminist organization Las Hormigas celebrated this day in the midst of their worries about the increasing rate of femicide in their region. They occupied the streets to say ‘Enough is enough’ and organized an art competition to raise consciousness of the problem among the youngest. In Honduras a woman is murdered every 15 hours and in forgotten inland communities women’s vulnerability is increasing as they have no access to basic rights. Organizations like Las Hormigas have helped many women escape the cycle of violence in these dangerous areas.
Video: Radio Progreso, Eric-SJ. 30 november 2013.
HomeVoicesChapter 2 - Fighting machismo: women on the front lineHonduras: Las Hormigas in action against femicide in Intibucá.
Honduras: Las Hormigas in action against femicide in Intibucá.