Brazil: the impact of hydroelectric dams
Moving testimony by ribeirinhos whose lives are devastated by megadams
LAB correspondent Marilene Cardoso Riveiro has made a beautiful short video, entitled ‘Costs’, about the impact of hydroelectric dams in Brazil on the communities directly affected. Construction work, the destruction of villages, flooding of land, diversion of water courses, damage to fisheries…
The video was shown at the Alternative World Water Forum in March 2018 in Brasilia; also at the exhibition ‘Dead Water’, being shown at Amnesty Interational’s Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA, until 29 July.
It will aslo be screened at Farnham Pottery (Pottery Lane, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 4SL – next Tuesday, 31st July, as part of the Incredible Edible Cinema Programme:
Marilene is Photo-editor of LAB’s Voices of Latin America – Social Movements and the New Activism, edited by Tom Gatehouse, which will be published in January 2019. Marilene and Sue Branford contributed the chapter ‘The hydroelectric threat to the Amazon basin’ in the book.