Friday, May 3, 2024
Home Topics Land Page 32


Tottenham Hotspur owner takes over ancestral land in Argentina

British businessman and football club owner, Joe Lewis, has created resistance from the indigenous community by purchasing and developing their ancestral lands in Rio Negro, Argentina. Lewis blocks access to the land, where he has hosted Israeli soldiers and former right-wing President Mauricio Macri.

Argentina’s Year of the Pig

Just when Argentina’s economy seemed to be at its darkest hour, Chinese president Xi Jinping proposed a multi-billion investment in the domestic pork meat industry. What originally seemed like a great opportunity has morphed into the source of a deep societal division.

Visibility for pueblo Pumé

This video essay from LAB partner Ojos Ilegales Red, Venezuela, tells the story of Leonardo Milian Ruiz, a member of the Pumé community. Milian left his territory Boca Tronador, on Riecito in Apure State, near the the Venezuelan border with Colombia, after cattle ranchers continually invaded their territory.

Lupita: justice for Acteal

Scarred by a brutal massacre which took place in December of 1997 and left 45 dead, the residents of Acteal, in the highlands of Chiapas, continue to remind the world never to forget. One woman is at the forefront.

Brazil: 520 years of pandemonium

Brazil’s indigenous peoples face the most serious threats since the military dictatorship: a government determined to eliminate their rights, abolish their culture and ‘integrate’ them into an ultra-neoliberal economy; and a pandemic to which they are particularly vulnerable and which threatens their very existence. This first of three articles examines the history of 'pandemonium'

Amazon landgrabbing enabled by Facebook

Brazil's land grabbers are posting the plots they’re selling on Facebook because the lawbreakers say they have virtually no fear of prosecution. Facebook said that it was “ready to work with the local authorities” to investigate the alleged crimes but that it would not be taking action on its own.

Participatory photography in the Andes

In 2017, a group of women activists in Cajamarca began documenting their perceptions of community, wellbeing and alternatives to extractivism through photography.

Brazil: Kadiwéu people adapt to survive

Kadiwéu people from Mato Grosso do Sul have survived against the odds. Now their eye-catching traditional designs are being used on fashionable bags and dresses. Will they benefit, and will they survive deforestation and the pandemic?

The fight for land rights in Brazil’s northeast

Itamar Vieira Júnior's multi award-winning novel gives a voice to silenced Black, Indigenous and Quilombola communities who have fought for their land rights for hundreds of years.

Brazil: a shutdown for life

Despairing of any action by the Bolsonaro government, Brazil's MST movement of landless workers organizes rural communities to defend themselves, isolating but maintaining production and supporting members

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