Friday, May 3, 2024

Politics & Parties

Brazil: new farms occupy indigenous land

Since 2020, more than 400 farms located inside Indigenous territories have been granted titles thanks to a new ruling from the National Indian Foundation (Funai), now heavily influenced by agribusiness. New ruling IN-09 allows farms located inside unratified Indigenous Territories to be certified and registered in the Federal Land Management System.

El Salvador: you couldn’t just sit there and watch

Cornelia Gräbner describes an extraordinary set of documents which capture the most intense and dangerous phase of repression in El Salvador, leading up to the 1992 Peace Accords.

Brazil: Lula on course for first round victory

Brazil's presidential election looks very likely to deliver a first round victory for Lula. Will Bolsonaro, like Trump, attempt to discredit the voting, or work to sabotage the new governmdent.

Brazil elections: a harsh lesson for the left

The 2 October first-round in Brazil's presidential election was a political victory for Bolonaristas, although their man still faces Lula in the second round on 30 October. The left underestimated the dangers. If Lula is elected, he will face a much more hostile senate and a country polarised.

Mexico: how to escape FTA bondage

'Free trade and investment agreements are tools for the “deviation of power” away from communities and into corporate boardrooms. This is what the experience of people in Mexico teaches us.' This is the conclusion of a new report by GRAIN, a small international non-profit organisation that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems.

Nicaragua: Ortega wants a submissive church

The persecution of the Church in Nicaragua intensified in the small hours of Friday 19 August when police broke into the residence of Mgr Rolando Álvarez, Bishop of Matagalpa in northern Nicaragua, and took him away with the other clergy and laity who had been blockaded with him for two weeks.

Brazil: Lula wins

Lula has won the Brazilian presidential election, gaining an agonizingly slim majority (50.9%) in the second round run-off on Sunday 30 October

Brazil: pictures of a polarized diaspora

Interviews with Brazilians resident in the UK, as they queue to vote in their country's second round presidential election on 30 October. Sharp polarization is in evidence here, as at home

Brazil: Lula elected, no coup, Bolsonaro isolated

Lula's narrow victory in Brazil's second-round presidential election on November 30 raised fears of a coup. Jair Bolsonaro initially declined to recognize the result and waited to see if his supporters would stage an insurrection. Lorry blockades gradually dispersed, however, and the army remained passive. Brazilian democracy looks safe at least for the present.

‘Argentina, 1985’

Argentina, 1985 (dir. Santiago Mitre, 2022) recreates the most significant court case in Argentine history – the Trial of the Juntas – which aimed to bring Argentina’s military dictatorship to justice following the country’s return to democracy in 1983.

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