Sunday, May 5, 2024

IB Indig Groups

The Amazon: loggers attack environment officials

This article was first published by Mongabay on 27 May. You can read the original here.In April an official from IBAMA, Brazil’s environmental agency...

Brazil: diversity does well, but the moderates are the winners

Bolsonaro and his brand of extreme right wing politics have emerged as the big losers in Brazil’s recent local elections, but established left wing parties have not done so well either. Jan Rocha reports.

Aid provided for Guarani-Kaiowá

Brazilian partners in the Indigenous Brazil Violated project, led by Dr Jones Goettert, collected food and cleaning/sanitizing products and delivered them to Guarani-Kaiowá communities....

Living in the shadow of Amazon tailings dams

Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN), the world’s fourth largest bauxite producer, encroached on riverine communities beside the Trombetas River in the Brazilian Amazon in...

Cross-border traffic in coca and labour

Peruvian coca farmers are actively recruiting Brazilian indigenous workers from the Alto Salimöes region to harvest and transport coca. Violence and exploitation are rife.

Brazil: mining destruction in the Amazon

The latest report by APIB and Amazon Watch, is the fourth in their Complicity in Destruction series covering the perpetual destructive mining practices in the Amazon and the impacts these have had on the lives of the indigenous populations of the forest. 

Senti-pensarnos Tierra – CLACSO Boletin No.1, October 2020

Contributions include: * El Extractivismo no está en cuarantena - Patricia Gualinga * A Força da Sucuri - Mekaron-ti Txucarramãe *Pajés e curandeiros contra o coronavirus - Thodá Kanamari * A Covid-19 na Amazônia brasileira - Lino João da Oliveira Neves * Covid-19, transmissão comunitária e óbitos. Como a Pandemia chegou aos Cintas-Largas em Mato Grosso e Rondônia - João del Pos, María Inês Hargreaves * Pandemia, racismo y genocidio de indígenas y negros en Brasil. El coronavirus y la política del exterminio - Felipe Milanes y Samuel Vida * Memoria. Morreu Artiana Yawalapíti! * Silencio, choro e luto com o Xingu - Felipe Milanes

Brazilian court orders 20,000 gold miners removed from Yanomami Park

The Yanomami Park covers 37,000 square miles in the Brazilian Amazon on the Venezuelan border; it is inhabited by 27,000 Yanomami. Soaring gold prices...

Indigenous Peoples, Land-based Disputes and Strategies of Socio-spatial Resistance at Agricultural...

ABSTRACT: Frontiers of national development and agricultural expansion constitute spaces of intense interaction, disputes and contestation. The Brazilian economy continues to largely rely on...

Brazilian Amazon: first Covid-19 case among indigenous people

A 20-year-old Kokama indigenous woman in northern Amazonas state tested positive for the virus, according to the federal government’s body in charge of health...

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