Saturday, May 11, 2024


Peru: Women in film

Karoline Pelikan sketches out the current landscape for women in film in Peru, and interviews three women from the board of directors at NUNA, the country's first association of women directors.

Brazil: tread gently on the earth

Director Marcos Colón has made a remarkable film about the Amazon, charting how in three countries, Brazil, Peru and Colombia, 'modernity' means exploitation and destruction. He interviews indigenous leaders with a very different vision.

Peru: new threat to Amazon reserves

Legislation being proposed in the Peruvian Congress would remove central government and environmental controls over indigenous lands and reserves. Indigenous organizations are vigorously opposing the change

Peru: Castillo is gone, but can Boluarte survive?

President Castillo's doomed attempt to dissolve Congress led to his immediate impeachment and arrest. Vice President Dina Boluarte took over, but faces mass protests and a broadly hostile Congress. Can she survive?

Accusations of human rights violations ripple through Peru 

Red Muqui shine a light on police repression and the violation of human rights in the context of recent social unrest in Peru, and dig deeper into the tensions underpinning the protests and the violent state response.

Peru: Women of Influence

Indigenous women from the Junín area of the Peruvian Amazon made their own short films, depicting their lives and the challenges they face.

Pakucha: Andean cosmovision and Aymara rituals

This new documentary film depicts an Aymara community in Peru’s Puno region as they celebrate a fertility ritual in honour of Pakucha: the spirit of the alpaca that lives in the Andes.

What a load of greenwash!

A mining engineer with more than 40 years in the industry challenges the ESG frameworks used by mining companies to greenwash their activities

Tension on Independence Day in Lima

28 July is the Peruvian Day of Independence (Fiestas Patrias), yet the stale atmosphere in the capital this year is far from the norm.

Peru: why the terms ‘Lo Andino’ and ‘terruco’ still matter

Power and wealth in Peru reside on the coast. Poverty reins in the Andes, a problem Lima elites refer to as 'Lo Andino'. These divisions fuelled Shining Path and were behind the recent removal of Pedro Castillo from the presidency.

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